New Features in Ads Diagnostic Tool
Monday, November 20, 2006
We know that one of the most common problems you face when managing your AdWords account is trying to figure out why your ad isn't showing for a particular keyword. If that sounds familiar, you'll be glad to hear that we've released a new feature that provides one-click troubleshooting for this problem. Here's an update on the feature from Peter H. on the Ads Diagnostic Tool team:
We're making the Ads Diagnostic Tool more accessible by incorporating it into the Ad Group details page. You can access this new feature via the new magnifying glass icon next to each keyword. If you are concerned that an ad is under-performing because of a particular keyword, you can point your cursor at the magnifying glass to get an instant diagnosis for that keyword. If the Ads Diagnostic Tool finds an issue that may be related to that keyword, you can receive troubleshooting suggestions by clicking the "What can I do now" link that appears inside the help bubble. If there are no issues with your keyword, the bubble will tell you that your ad is running normally on hope that these improvements will make it easier for you to diagnose and resolve keyword performance issues!
We've also added some very useful features to the full Ads Diagnostic Tool on the Tools page. Now you can request diagnostics for ads running in a specific geographic location. Another new feature in the Ads Diagnostic Tool is a direct link to the ad preview page for specific keywords. By clicking on "Preview search results" link for each keyword, you can now view what your ad looks like and where it's showing up on the search results page without creating an impression.