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As you might know, the Analytics tab in your AdWords account gives you access to a powerful web analytics reporting tool. Since we released Analytics, we have spoken with numerous users to learn how they analyze their website's success and their marketing ROI. We focused our development efforts on this user feedback to make Google Analytics more collaborative, more useful, and easier to use, while continuing to provide the same comprehensive data. In short, our goal for this new version was to redesign Analytics reports for a better user experience.Here is a screenshot of part of the new dashboard report, with the new over-time graph showing number of visits and scorecards of key statistics. (Click the screenshot for the full-size image.) The new version of Google Analytics has a more intuitive look and feel, with greater clarity in the navigation between reports. In addition to the new interface, we've added many new features including a customizable reports dashboard, scheduled emailing of reports, improved geographic map view, and over-time graphs for at-a-glance analysis.For more information, please see the Google Analytics homepage, or take a multimedia tour of the new features.
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