Beta testing for the new AdWords interface has been expanded to an even larger number of advertisers. The new interface is now available to most active AdWords accounts in these languages:
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Hebrew
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Brazilian Portuguese
We'll be adding more AdWords languages in the future.

If your account has been added to the beta test, you'll be directed to the new interface the next time you log in. Th
e previous interface will still be available if you need it: during the beta you can switch back and forth using the "New Interface (Beta)" and "Previous Interface" links in the top corner of your account, next to your email address.

Have questions while using the new interface? The
new interface microsite has videos and a how-to guide that will help you with the changes. For example:

In the coming months we'll continue to add features to the new interface and make additional adjustments based on your feedback. Once we're confident that the new interface meets the needs of our advertisers, we'll convert all AdWords accounts to use the new interface exclusively.

To start managing your campaigns with the new features available in the new AdWords interface, simply log into your AdWords account.