Starting today, all AdWords Seminars for Success will be taught using the new AdWords interface. So, if you've been wanting some in-person instruction on how to best use the new AdWords interface or how to generally grow your campaigns, check out the seminars we're hosting in the next couple months:

AdWords 101: Beginner and AdWords 201: Intermediate
  • June 15-16: San Diego, CA
AdWords 301: Advanced Account Optimization and AdWords 302: Advanced Conversion Optimization
  • June 24-25: Boston, MA
  • July 16-17: Minneapolis, MN
  • August 4-5: Denver, CO
Analytics: Introduction and Analytics: Advanced
  • June 17-18: Dallas, TX
  • June 25-26: Washington D.C.
  • July 7-8: Edmonton, Canada
  • July 7-8: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Website Optimizer
  • June 19: Dallas, TX
  • February 11: San Jose, CA
  • July 9: Sao Paulo, Brazil
If you sign up for seminars at least seven days in advance, you'll receive a $50 AdWords credit (view the terms and conditions).

For more information about Seminars for Success, including registration details, course outlines, and past attendees' comments, please visit